How Long Dogs Are Pregnant And Tell-Tale Symptoms


How Long Dogs Are Pregnant And Tell-Tale Symptoms

Noticed your furry gal’s nipples looking a bit perkier lately? Or maybe she’s been feeling a tad queasy in the mornings? Sounds like there might be a litter of pups on the way! Buckle up, pet parent – we’re diving into the wonderful world of doggy pregnancy.

How Did My Dog Get Pregnant?

Besides the whole “when a doggy loves another doggy very much” talk, let’s get real about how this happened. Unneutered female dogs go into heat (get ready for some pups) roughly twice a year, starting anywhere between 6 to 36 months old.

During those few weeks, she’s fair game for any intact (unneutered) male dog in the vicinity. We’re talking your buddy’s pooch, the flirty fella from the dog park, even that sly mutt making eyes at her in your backyard.

Unneutered male dogs have an uncanny ability to sniff out a female in heat from miles away. And once they catch that scent? Game over – they’ll do whatever it takes to get to her.

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant For?

The dog gestation period (how long your girl’s expecting for) usually lasts between 56 to 70 days. But you can pretty much mark your calendar for around 63 days – that’s the typical timeline for a litter of puppies to make their arrival.

Are There Any Tell-Tale Dog Pregnancy Symptoms?

Ah yes, the telltale signs that’ll have you swapping out those doggy treats for pickles and ice cream (just kidding…unless?).

Just like their human counterparts, some pregnant dogs experience a touch of morning sickness in those early stages, resulting in vomiting or nausea.

Other early hints include:

  • Changes in appetite (oooor just blaming it on the dog being, well, a dog)
  • Slightly swollen nipples
  • Clear vaginal discharge
  • More sleepy snuggles than usual
  • Ramped up affection and clinginess

As things progress, get ready for:

  • ABallooning belly (a sure sign those puppies are growing!)
  • An insatiable appetite
  • Shifting moods or clinginess
  • Darker, protruding teats
  • Potential leakage from the nipples
  • That undeniable puppy movement in her tummy

Can I Buy A Dog Home Pregnancy Test?

Sadly, no – those easy pee-on-a-stick tests are reserved for the human mamas. To officially confirm your dog’s pregnancy, your vet has a few trusty tools:

  • Hormone tests to detect those telltale preggo levels
  • Ultrasounds to peek at the little beans growing inside
  • Physical exams to assess and monitor belly growth

So forget Google-ing “doggy pregnancy tests” and just schedule that vet checkup instead!

How Can I Prepare For My Dog Giving Birth?

Create A Nest

Those pups are gonna need a cozy, private spot to make their arrival. Set up a whelping box or large cardboard box lined with puppy pads and clean bedding/blankets. Sprinkle in some familiar, comforting smells by adding her favorite toys or blankets too.

Prep In Advance

Grab some clean towels, nail scissors (for cutting umbilical cords), and tiny blankets to bundle up the new arrivals. Microwavable heating pads can provide a toasty refuge if you need to separate pups from mom.

Talk To Our Experienced Vets

The miracle of birth is beautiful, but also no joke! Consult with your vet on signs of labor to look out for, as well as any distress signals that mean it’s time for assistance.

The goal is to be a quiet observer during the process, only intervening if absolutely necessary.

Be Ready For An Emergency

Let’s hope everything goes smoothly, but it’s smart to be prepared just in case. A few tips:

  • Keep the clinic’s emergency contact details handy
  • Have a portable carrier and transportation ready
  • Pack any essentials you’ll need (wallet, keys, etc.)

Whelping often happens overnight when vets are closed, and an emergency C-section may be required to save mom and pups.

How Long Is A Dog In Labor?

Grab a comfy chair and get ready to be a watchful (but silent) birthing partner. Doggy labor can last anywhere from 3 to 12 hours, depending on how many puppers are in that litter.

When you schedule your dog pregnancy checkup, have your vet walk you through the 3 stages of labor so you know what to expect.

Signs Of Impending Labor

As the big day draws near, your preggo pup will start exhibiting certain behaviors that’ll clue you in. Keep an eye out for:

  • Panting and restlessness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Nesting behaviors like digging or rearranging bedding
  • A clear mucus discharge

Once active labor kicks in with contractions, it’s showtime! Monitor her closely but resist the urge to intervene unnecessarily.

Caring For A Mom And Her Pups

While you’ll want to give momma dog her space during delivery, she’ll appreciate your support once those bundles of joy arrive.

  • Offer small, frequent meals to replenish her nutrients
  • Provide a quiet, stress-free area for nursing
  • Be ready to lend a hand with supplemental feeding if needed
  • Schedule a newborn checkup for the whole crew

It’s a whirlwind couple of weeks, but watching that new doggy family blossom makes every second worth it!

When To Call The Vet

As prepared as you are, some situations call for professional backup:

  • If there’s vaginal discharge but no contractions after 24 hours
  • If the cervix seems partially open but no progress after 2 hours
  • If there’s a pup stuck in the birth canal
  • Signs of stress or exhaustion in mom

Don’t tough it out – get your vet on the line ASAP for advice or emergency care. Canine labor can quickly become complicated.

Potential Complications During Pregnancy

While doggy pregnancies often go smoothly, it’s important to be aware of potential complications that may arise. If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to contact your vet:

  • Pale gums or lethargy (could indicate anemia)
  • Excessive vomiting or lack of appetite
  • Vaginal discharge with an odor
  • Abdominal pain or distress

Issues like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and abnormal fetal positioning can occur and may require medical intervention. Staying vigilant and seeking prompt care is crucial for the health of both mom and pups.

Caring For A Pregnant Dog

That furry mama-to-be needs some extra TLC during her pregnancy. Here are some tips to keep her comfortable:

  • Switch to a high-quality puppy food for added nutrients
  • Provide a quiet, low-stress environment
  • Encourage light exercise with short walks
  • Consider increasing litter box trips or letting her out more frequently

Remember, every dog and pregnancy is different. Follow your vet’s guidance on dietary needs, exercise levels, and any supplements or medications required.

Whelping Supplies Checklist

As the due date approaches, stock up on these essential items to have on hand:

  • Clean towels and blankets
  • Non-skid bath mats or puppy pads
  • Heating pad or hot water bottles
  • Obstetric lubricant (for assisting if needed)
  • Dental floss or unwaxed thread (to tie off umbilical cords)
  • Notebooks and pens for logging details

Having these supplies prepped and easily accessible can make a world of difference when those contractions start!

Newborn Puppy Care

Once those little bundles arrive, they’ll need round-the-clock care and monitoring. Be prepared for:

  • Helping mom clean and stimulate the pups
  • Watching for signs of dehydration or failure to nurse
  • Keeping a heating source nearby
  • Weighing puppies regularly to ensure growth

This precious newborn stage passes quickly, so savor those tiny squeaks and wiggles! With some guidance from your vet, you’ll be an expert puppy parent in no time.

Post-Whelping Care For Mom

That new doggy mom just did something incredible! Show her some extra love and care as she recovers:

  • Provide plenty of fresh water and nutrient-dense foods
  • Allow ample time to rest and bond with her litter
  • Keep her area clean and comfortable for nursing
  • Watch for signs of infection or complications

Whelping is no easy feat, so give her as much TLC as those pups! With your support, she’ll be back to her usual energetic self before you know it.


Congrats, new doggy grandparent! You’ve made it through the whelping process. From catching those first pregnancy signs to prepping the nest and supporting momma through labor, it’s been quite a journey. 

Now comes the fun part – watching those tiny pups thrive under your nurturing care. Savor the little squeaks, stumbles, and snuggles. 

This fleeting newborn stage is pure magic. With some guidance from your vet on nursing, weigh-ins, and monitoring Mom’s recovery, you’ll be puppy parenting pros. Soak up the cherished moments – a new doggy family is life’s greatest gift.

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